
How can I participate?
The time for submissions for this project has closed. Please check back after May, 1 2015 for updated pictures of the final installation.

Do I have to follow the pattern exactly?
Nope! the pattern is meant to be a guide to get you started! Please feel free to make the vines your own! Put a little bit of your own personality into your piece! I just ask that each vine still resembles the wisteria plant!

What if I can’t crochet?
That is not a problem! Please visit this page for basic crocheting instructions. These pieces are designed to be able to be created by anybody, regardless of crochet experience. They are a perfect introduction for the beginner!

What color/weight yarn and size hook is preferable?
Anything! I would like to leave the color and weight of the yarn up to the maker. The beauty of this project is that the basic pattern is just a starting point and I would love it if each maker customized their piece in a unique way. This showcases the individuality of the crocheter.

I can knit a vine that looks like wisteria, can I do that instead?
YES! A knitting pattern has been added! Please go here to find the pattern!

How long should the vine be?
Please keep the vines between approximately 1 1/2 feet and 4 1/2 feet

Why do you want me to fill out an index card and what should I put on it?
I am asking each participant to fill out a handwritten index card with at least their name and hometown. Feel free to add any other information you would like – such as your favorite quote, anything you were thinking about this project and the process, a piece of wisdom or advice, or a personal story. I would like them to be handwritten because the handwriting is unique to the person and individuality is a quality I am striving to retain in this piece. I also am asking for as much information as you are willing to share – beyond your name and hometown – because I want to make sure the stories and voices of the contributors are present in the final installation.

Can I make more than one vine?
YES!!! You can send me an entire box full of vines if you want! Feel free to make as many as your heart desires! This project is a great stash buster because the length of the vine varies, so you can use up those odd lengths of yarn left often from other projects!

Why are you asking only women to participate?
Please visit a lengthier blog post found here about my decision to ask only women to participate.

When and where will this be on display?
This piece is part of my Honors Thesis Exhibition and will be shown in the city of Richmond, VA, USA from May 1 – May 9, 2015 at Lovebomb.

Will you post photos of the installation so those who cannot see it in person can still see the final piece?
YES!! I will be taking high resolution photos of the final installation and posting them to this website when it is complete! I also am posting in progress photos on my Instagram (@readamy) and sorting them under the hashtag #100womenproject

What will you do with the vines after the exhibition closes?
I am working on proposals so that the piece can continue to be shown in other venues. When it is not being shown, all the vines will be carefully stored and stay with me. I will not be selling this piece as that is not in the spirit of this project.

What is the last day that I can submit a vine?
Please have them postmarked by April 10, 2015.

I don’t live in the United States, can I still participate?
YES! Please do! I would love some international crocheters! Just please be aware of how long international shipping takes so that your vine arrives in time! When you fill out this form it will ask you if your vine is being mailed internationally! And if English is not your primary language, feel free to fill out the index card in your preferred language.

Is 100 women the maximum number of participants?
No! 100 is the minimum goal I would like to achieve! I would LOVE to have more than 100 women participate!!

18 thoughts on “F.A.Q.

  1. Kristina says:

    Hi Amy,
    I’m from Germany – would love to participate but I’m not sure if you would receive my vine until April 10th… what if it arrives later?

    Liked by 1 person

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