Why Only Women?


When creating this project, I was debating whether or not I wanted to limit my participants and ultimately decided that I would ask exclusively women to participate in this installation. During the past three and a half years, I have been learning about the contemporary art world I will soon be entering and one thing has become clear – it, like so many others, is a male dominated field. One thing that has resonated with me during my education was the Western romanticized ideal of a poor, starving, male painter who is secretly a genius and just needs to be discovered. For many years, this was the preconceived notion of what it meant to be an artist. This is the idea that I intend to challenge through this project. The main reason for that is because I have met so many incredibly intelligent and talented women during my time as a student, not just in the art department. The poor, unrecognized and hungry genius is a flawed representation of an artist and the women that have taught and influenced me are anything but weak.

In my recent work, I have been exploring the use of conventional domestic materials to create art that is intended to be displayed in a museum. These materials include felt, needle and thread, tea and napkins, and, of course, yarn. That is why I have chosen yarn for this project. Yarn is a classically domestic item intended for practicality with a specific function. It also carries the connotation of the home and women caring for others. Through this project, I am redefining that view to become a representation of the strength, diversity and individuality of women. Each piece that is crocheted will be unique to the creator. When they are all displayed together, it will be overwhelming, colorful and powerful. That, in my mind, is a much better representation of contemporary women -artists and non-artists.This piece will highlight the diversity of the female community and repurpose something that is thought of as belonging only in the home.
I hope you will join me in this project!

The #100womenproject is on view again!

Hey all! It has been a minute – but I wanted to pop in and let everyone know that a section of the #100womenproject is on view in Charlotte, NC at C3 Labs – you can view more information about the exhibition here. I will be popping back in to update with installation pictures and more in the coming weeks! The reception is Friday, September 6th from 7-10 pm and there will be artist talks on Sunday, September 8th from 2-4!


If you have any questions, feel free to email me at amy@amyreaderartist.com



Keep In Touch!

Hey All!

I hope summer has treated you well, and that it didn’t go quite as fast for all of you as it did for me! I hope all of you who filled out the address form received your postcards. If the mail somehow ate yours, please email me at 100womencrochet@gmail.com and I will send you a new one!

If you haven’t noticed, since the end of this project, I will not be updating this page regularly. However, I would LOVE to keep in touch with all of you!! You can follow along with my artistic endeavors on Facebook at www.facebook.com/amyreaderartist and Instagram at @readamy and you can subscribe to my email newsletter here.

I am applying to show the project at other venues, and when I find a permanent or temporary home for the #100womenproject I will update across all of my social channels and on this page.

Thank you again to every single one of you who participated, shared or supported this project in any way, big or small. I am so thankful for all of you!

Please do keep in touch!!

❤ Amy

Addresses for Thank You Cards!

Hello All!

Post-grad life has finally calmed down so thank you cards have been ordered and I want to mail each of you one of them! If you participated in the project, please make sure you fill out this form so I can send you a thank you card! This form will close on Monday – June 15, 2015!

If you already filled out the form, awesome! Thanks so much!

Here is a preview of what one of the card designs looks like (there are three!)

thank you - 1

Thank you again to all of you amazing and talented ladies! I am so thankful for every single one of you and for all of the support I have received during this crazy thesis project of mine! I hope you are all doing well and up to awesome things!

❤ Amy

More Pictures!!

Hey there!

So after successfully moving out of one apartment, one studio, two gallery shows AND graduating from college, I am finally home (Charlotte, NC) and have some more pictures for all of you! Click on an image to enter into gallery mode and scroll through the pictures!

Now that I am back and things are settling down, I’ll be working on getting a map together so you all can see where all of the submissions came from! There are still a few things to wrap up at the end of this incredible project, and I’ll make sure to keep you all updated throughout this process!

Thanks again to everyone who participated!
❤ Amy


Hey everyone! Here are just a few quick pictures from the opening last night and during the install!! They are just cell phone pictures, I’m going to be taking high resolution photos later this week and I’ll share them with you all then!! 


Transporting the vines was fun but tiring


Power naps in the yarn pile were a frequent occurrence


It got a little crazy before it was finished


My thesis peers and our advisors. I don’t know what I would have done without them


Pre-install Pictures

Hey Everyone! So I was down at Lovebomb last night and I took a bunch of pictures of the install space and I wanted to share them with you! Official install will run from Monday – Wednesday and it’s going to be a crazy time. I can’t wait to share it with all of you!  

Just know that these pictures were taken at 9 pm with my cell phone, so the actual install will be better lit – I just couldn’t wait to show you guys to awesom space all of your vines will be hanging in!! 



I am so extremely grateful for all of the wonderful women who have participated in this project. I received such an overwhelmingly positive response for it and not only did I meet my goal of 100, I surpassed it by receiving submissions from over 450 women from 15+ different countries!!! When I began this project, I never expected such an amazing response.

If you participated in this project, please fill out the form below with a mailing address for late May/early June so I can send you a thank you card with a picture of the final install!

Check back later this week for some pictures! I’m currently compiling all of my in-progress shots along with some of the insanity that has taken over my studio!

❤ Amy

The Final Four Days

That’s right! It is four days until Friday, and Friday is the last day to put vines in the mail!! Remember, if you haven’t mailed your vines yet, they must be in the mail by Friday, April 10!! Thank you to everyone who has submitted so far, and keep the submissions coming! Remember to check on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter under #100womenproject to keep up with all the women participating! I am also posting behind the scenes pictures to that tag!


This past week, several women from the University of Richmond and the Richmond area all got to spend time together either learning to crochet, or teaching others to crochet. It was tons of fun and thank you to all the ladies who were there for such a great time!

The rest of my time recently has been spent sorting through all of the mail that I have been receiving! Over the past week, I have averaged two tubs of mail everyday and when my lovely (and patient) friend Katherine and I sat down to sort through it all, there were 81 unopened packages!


Two days worth of mail


81 unopened packages

It has been quite an adventure sorting through all of the mail! If you think your package should have arrived but have not yet received a confirmation e-mail from me, don’t fret! It takes quite some time to open and catalog all of the mail, and we might not have gotten to your package just yet!

Katherine07 Katherine03

We’ve been working hard, and made a pretty serious dent in the 81 unopened packages! Every package that is received goes into the spreadsheet and the number of vines is recorded. Soon, I will be photographing each vine individually and recording the specifics of each one made including the length, yarn type and creator! I want to make sure that each vine can still be matched up to the creator even after they are all installed together!

Katherine09 Katherine10

I owe a huge thank you specifically to this goofball for helping me sort through the never ended pile of vines and showing up with emergency chips and guac when its going to be a late night in the studio! I am so thankful that for all of the incredible women that have decided to join me on this crazy journey! I have loved reading all of your comments and stories through the participation form and the index cards you all send me. I feel like I get to see just a glimpse of the wonderful personalities of the diverse group of women in this project. Thank you to all of you ladies! Without you, this project would not be possible!

Stay tuned later this week for more behind the scenes pictures and then some concept sketches of the final install!!

❤ Amy

The Final Countdown


Today is April 1, which means that plenty of people are pulling pranks, but I am counting down the days until the exhibition opens! In just 30 short days, the install will be up and on display! TOMORROW is the day for the big Learn-to-Crochet event! Click here for details!

Don’t forget to get your vines in the mail by April 10!! That day is fast approaching! 

Also – if you are a participant in the project, I want to hear from you! Click here for your voice to be heard! I want to know what you have liked/disliked so far and any suggestions for improvement over the next 30 days!

During this whole project, I have been so excited to see such a diverse array of vines every time I open a package! I love seeing what you all have created, and reading your index cards and learning just a little bit about the amazing person that created the vines I’m holding. A quote that has become my motto for this school year and this project is “In diversity there is beauty and there is strength.” – Maya Angelou

My wonderful apartment mates! Sometimes I forget how short I am…

This quote was used at the beginning of the year to describe my beautifully diverse apartment – all four of us are from different countries, have four different majors, and the list goes on. Through this project, that quote has come to mean so much more as I am reminded of that beautiful diversity every day when I open my mail, or read an index card. As I am striving to capture just a glimpse of all of the beauty and strength of the diverse group of women from around the world in this one project, I keep coming back to that quote and I truly think it embodies the goal of this piece.

Crochet Meet Up!!

Calling all Richmonders!! Don’t know how to crochet but you still want to participate? Come to the University of Richmond at the Gateway Village Common Room on Tuesday April 2, 2015 from 4-8pm and learn how! Click here for the full event details!

Here is a map of how to find the common room from off campus!

Click to enlarge